Table of Contents


    In this guide, we will walk through the steps to configure basic security and management settings on Cisco devices, including hostnames, enable passwords, and password encryption. This lab is perfect for beginners preparing for the CCNA exam.

    Key Concepts of the Cisco IOS CLI

    EXEC Modes

    User EXEC Mode (hostname>)

    This is the entry-level mode when you access a Cisco device. It allows basic, non-intrusive commands like viewing the system status and network settings. However, it does not permit any configuration changes.

    Privileged EXEC Mode (hostname#)

    A more powerful mode where you can execute advanced administrative tasks. Privileged EXEC mode is essential for viewing detailed device information and modifying configurations.

    Global Configuration Mode (hostname(config)#)

    The mode for making configuration changes to the device. To access it, type configure terminal from privileged EXEC mode.

    Configuration Files

    Cisco devices use two text-based files to store configurations:

    • Running-Config: This file resides in RAM and determines the current operational state of the device. Changes to this file take effect immediately but are lost upon a restart unless saved.
    • Startup-Config: Stored in non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), this file contains the saved configuration that is loaded when the device boots. Any changes made to the running-config must be explicitly saved to the startup-config.

    Below are essential commands for managing configuration files:

    • Save the running-config to startup-config. There are three commands to do:
    copy running-config startup-config
    write memory
    • View the current configurations:
    show running-config
    show startup-config
    • Reset the device to factory defaults, three different commands:
    write erase
    erase nvram
    erase startup-config

    Cisco IOS Context-Sensitive Help

    Cisco IOS CLI includes built-in tools to assist users with commands, syntax, and options:

    • ? : List all the available command in current mode
    Exec commands:
      connect     Open a terminal connection
      disable     Turn off privileged commands
      disconnect  Disconnect an existing network connection
      enable      Turn on privileged commands
      exit        Exit from the EXEC
      logout      Exit from the EXEC
      ping        Send echo messages
      resume      Resume an active network connection
      show        Show running system information
      ssh         Open a secure shell client connection
      telnet      Open a telnet connection
      terminal    Set terminal line parameters
      traceroute  Trace route to destination
    • command ?: List available keywords for the command
    Switch>enable ?
      <0-15>  Enable level

    Lab Topology

    Our lab setup is very simple, includes a router (R1) and a switch (SW1) connected to a PC (PC1).

    Now let’s practice!


    Access the CLI

    You can connect via console cable or SSH to your Cisco device. In this Packet Tracer lab, you just need to click on the device. Also, you can skip the configuration dialog by typing no.

             --- System Configuration Dialog ---
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no

    Change the Hostname

    Let’s assign a name for our Router 1 (R1). Here are the commands:

    Router#configure terminal
    Router(config)#hostname R1

    Configure Enable Password

    The enable password is configured in global configuration mode:

    R1#configure terminal
    R1(config)#enable password techlensfocus

    By default, this password is stored in plain text and visible in the configuration file. This step helps you understand how an unencrypted password works and its limitations.

    To view the enable password in the device’s configuration:

    show running-config

    Look for the enable password line in the output. The password “techlensfocus” will appear in plain text, as it is not encrypted.

    Encrypt the password

    In this section, we will ensure current and future passwords are encrypted.

    The service password-encryption command applies a weak encryption (Type 7) to these passwords, providing basic protection:

    R1#configure terminal
    R1(config)#service password-encryption

    After enabling password encryption, you need to verify that passwords in the running configuration are no longer displayed in plain text:

    R1#show running-config
    enable password 7 0835494D01150019010D03073F38

    Check the output for the enable password. You should see the password has been converted into an encrypted string. The number 7 indicates that the password has been encrypted using Cisco’s Type 7 encryption.

    While this encryption is better than plain text, it is relatively weak and can be decrypted with specialized tools.

    Configure Encrypted Enable Password

    In this step, we will configure a more secure password for privileged EXEC mode. Unlike the enable password command, the enable secret automatically encrypts the password with strong Type 5 encryption (MD5 hashing), providing enhanced security.

    R1#configure terminal
    R1(config)#enable secret cisco

    Next, we verify the current configuration to ensure the password was configured successfully:

    R1#show running-config
    enable secret 5 $1$mERr$hx5rVt7rPNoS4wqbXKX7m0

    Locate the enable secret line. The password will be displayed as a hashed value. The number 5 indicates that the password is encrypted using Type 5 (MD5 hashing).

    Save the Configuration

    It is crucial to save your running configuration to the startup configuration to ensure the changes persist after a reboot. We will use write memory command to complete this task:

    R1# write memory
    Building configuration...

    You can also use the following command to display the saved startup configuration:

    show startup-config


    In summary, you’ve gained hands-on experience configuring hostnames, passwords, and encryption on Cisco devices. These steps are fundamental for securing network devices and managing access effectively.

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